Thursday, January 21, 2010

Location, Location...Location??

Things have finally settled down after the holiday madness of having 6 families between the two of us. We've cleared our heads for the new year and suddenly, we came to an idea for the location of our wedding. We've started talking with our good friends Bill and Eileen, Eileen's family has a large farm about 4 hours north in Wisconsin. We'll be talking with them again soon and figuring out if the whole family would approve.

That being said, we are praying that it comes through because as of yet, this is the only affordable option we have come across that would allow us to have as many people as we want without paying 3 grand just for a space. This would also give us the freedom to do the food however we want... NO expensive caterers! If this works out, we would be doing some sort of DIY potluck type thing. I know i know, everyone we say that to raises an eyebrow and laughs a little. We think it's possible! Not easy, no one said we were going for easy (remember, we're broke! easy is in no way synonymous with broke). We have a lot of friends and family who would most likely be willing to help out with the mass chopping of veggies etc. We're vegan/vegetarian so the lack of meat will make things A)waaaay cheaper and B)waaaay easier.

Once we get the go ahead from Eileen and her family, we would visit the farm, take pictures and start making our grand plans... EXCITING!

That's all for now,


  1. Hey thats what we're going to do! Fortunately we have a volunteer griller who'll be providing brisket cooking and some coconut batter-fried tofu! YUM. Hope you can have it on that farm, it sounds great :)


  2. love it!! sounds great already. byob will also be a huge budget chunk gone too.

  3. And this blog has been bookmarked. If you guys need help please feel free to ask. I'd be more than happy to help.
